•SGR is a non-profit organisation, created out of a love for kids and sports with the aim of uplifting and building the youth of South Africa.
RSD recently diversified into a new direction by forming a partnership with the Sport Goes Rural Foundation. As sport is a global language uniting people from all walks of life, for RSD to get involved was the obvious decision to make. By utilising the knowledge RSD gained over the past years in sport development for children and contributing this knowledge to a sport development program focused on our rural communities in South Africa, was a no brainer.
RSD Rugby and the Sport Goes Rural Foundation's vision is to build on this foundation, by getting involved in a development program that will benefit thousands of young Siya’s, from grass root level.
SSD (Soccer Skills Development) and NSD (Netball Skills Development joined forces and also committed their skills and knowledge in the field of Soccer and Netball as their contribution to this amazing initiative.
•A key challenge in our country is creating a sporting platform where all kids can actively participate on an equal level, in a sport that they are passionate about, good nutrition and teaching the correct techniques required by qualified coaches and mentors.
•Another challenge we experience in South Africa is investing time, skills and proper training by professionals to the South African youth and communities.

Vision Statement:
Realising the full potential of all school going children in South Africa be it through, rugby without excluding any player, based on their gender, race, social status, wanting to participate in the sport of their choice.
Mission Statement:
To provide all South African communities with additional sporting opportunities and alternatives whereby the full potential of the youth and adults involved will be developed and realised, through partnerships with relevant organisations.
•The aim of the Sport Goes Rural Foundation is to take rugby training to our local communities to reach a larger audience.
Traditionally sport has been exclusive to well established schools only or sport facilities – we want to change that. We want to provide the correct sport training by qualified coaches to the kids.